Should you ever experience a problem with your website and be incapable of solving it, ask the respective web hosting provider’s help desk support staff to assist you to get the site back online. A swift solution would be the best scenario, but a lot of companies reply within twenty four hours and even more, particularly if you’re doing business with a reseller. Even if your problem can be fixed without much effort, your website may not work properly or it may not be accessible whatsoever for an extended stretch of time, so you may lose prospective clients as it’s highly unlikely that anyone would enthusiastically come back to a site that’s inoperative. Because of this, you should make certain not only that you can get in touch with your hosting provider, but also that they can respond and assist you in a timely manner. If a script update doesn’t proceed as planned or you erase something incidentally, for instance, the site must be restored promptly in order to prevent long downtime.
One-Hour Response Guarantee in Cloud Hosting
Our guaranteed max response time for any technical support ticket that you open or any e-mail that you send is only sixty minutes, even in case you contact us during weekends and legal holidays. Whatever the essence of your problem or query may be, we’ll lend a helping hand immediately and will supply you with the needed information to fix any problem with your websites. The actual response time commonly doesn’t exceed 15-20 minutes, so you can just forget about waiting around for hours on end to get an issue fixed or what is even worse – waiting around one whole day only to get a response that more information is necessary whilst nothing’s solved. We will give you assistance at once just because we are aware of just how priceless time can be in the dynamic digital era. The 1-hour reply guarantee is valid for any billing or technical inquiry that you might have with regards to our Linux cloud hosting.